Who is Lara11? I'll tell you a little about myself...
My name is Lara Garagnani, I was born in Bologna in 1970.
After working for about 15 years for a healthcare facility, life led me to move to Rome, where, having become a mother and having overcome various vicissitudes, I found myself discovering my manual skills and a great passion for making accessories such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets. . I started from scratch, some pliers, some chains, some stones. I could afford very little at that time. So I am self-taught by necessity and despite not having any particular design studies I have always loved combining colors and respecting the proportions that generate that harmony that makes me feel good and which I hope makes each of you feel good too when you wear one of mine. creation. I believed in a dream that seemed very distant but which today is a little closer but still not close enough and knowing me I fear it will never be close enough. My desire to research new techniques, research materials, learn and grow does not stop.
Today what was born as my passion is my life training and my work.
I am a woman like you, one of those who reinvent themselves and who, despite all the chaos that life brings us, seeks balance and seeks it in every object she composes. For me, creating an accessory means transforming an idea into something concrete by trying to overcome the obstacles of assembling different materials that sometimes seem to have nothing to do with each other. It is also the search for ever-changing ways and techniques to join the components together. For me, every achievement is a metaphor for life, it's learning to find the best path and it's adapting when you can't do otherwise as long as it all leads to the best result that can be achieved. Why Lara11? It is dedicated to my dad who guides me from up there.